Selling svgs · SVG Tutorials

MASTERING SVG DESIGN: The top software and programs for professional results

To create an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) file, you will need a software application that is capable of creating and editing vector graphics. There are many different options available, ranging from free and open-source tools to professional graphic design software.

Here are a few examples of software that can be used to create and edit SVG files:


This is a free and open-source vector graphics editor that is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. It offers a wide range of features for creating and editing SVG files, including support for layers, paths, text, and shapes.


This is a professional vector graphics editor that is widely used by designers and artists. It offers a comprehensive set of tools for creating and editing SVG files, as well as other types of graphics.


This is a professional vector graphics editor that is available for Windows. It offers a wide range of features for creating and editing SVG files, including support for shapes, text, and curves.


This is a professional vector graphics editor that is available for Windows and Mac. It offers a range of tools for creating and editing SVG files, including support for shapes, text, and paths.

There are many others available, but regardless of which software you choose, you will need to have a basic understanding of vector graphics principles in order to create and edit SVG files. This may include concepts such as paths, shapes, and transformations.

Be prepared to put in some time, effort (and, most importantly, patience!) to get to grips with it. It really does seem overwhelming at first when you open the program and see an interface littered with unknown icons, not to mention the lingo that goes along with it!

You might need to purchase a monthly subscription for some of the programs listed above as they’re not free, but they tend to all use similar functions to get to the same result.

My software of choice is Inkscape which I opted for as it’s open-source, and FREE! It’s easy to get to grips with, and pretty reliable (though there have been occasions where it has crashed mid-design – “Eek!!”) There are tons of resources on how to get started, including YouTube tutorials which run you through the basics, and get you familiar with the program. It’s a great program to use as it caters for beginners as well as professional graphic designers.

I go into more detail about using Inkscape here so, hopefully, I will see you there!

See you next time!

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